The annual AWA report confirms the growth of flexible packaging and heat shrink sleeve labels.

It’s been over 50 years now that IMS is working in the industry of product identification. 50 years to develop our expertise on labels and packaging. Knowing the industry means being able to anticipate the future and make sure to always offer the best services and not become disconnected with the realities of our clients.

The annual report Global Labeling and Product Decoration Market Update 2015 by AWA is always expected eagerly then, to see trends in the world of labeling.

The first conclusion of the report is the increasing competition from “alternative” packaging and original formats, versus “traditional” labels. Alternative usually means flexible packaging, which as we often talk about, takes more space in the world of packaging because it’s a very interesting solution for many products, both in terms of practicality and aesthetics.

With regards to the use of shrink sleeve labels, the figures continue to increase (5.3% growth in use). The “pressure-sensitive” label, or PLA, is also increasingly used (4.1% growth).

The continued growth of these labeling solutions is due in part to their growing share in South America, China and India, but their stability in North America shows that these types of labels are still the preferred choice of brands and companies for their products.

Lastly, companies in the packaging industry feel the need to innovate and to comply with the increasingly pressing principles of sustainable development, keeping in mind to offer competitive prices.

Through this portrait, we see that the packaging industry is doing well and that alternative packaging is increasing on the market, and that’s a good thing!